Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Highs

The lows can get pretty low but the highs, oh the highs are so great and wonderful and fuel to get through the lows.  I worked out today and it was awesome!!  Third day this week, not sure I've done that since starting chemo.  I also worked out for 16 minutes in a row.  Also not sure I've done that since starting chemo.  My math skills have yielded the following equation: Chemo = WOD/2  That is, I generally do 1/2 of the prescribed work, in weight and reps and rounds and time.  I have to play it smart these days.  I purposefully don't push my body to THAT point anymore.  It takes me a VERY long time to recover, like hours when it used to be minutes.  I can no longer take the mind over matter (body) approach to workouts as I pay a dear price for it.  So instead I use my math and I do about 1/2 of what everyone else is doing and I generally still feel pretty damn beat up by it.  Not today though.  Today I felt great!  It could be because I kept repeating to myself 'You are never out of the fight' over and over and over.  Or maybe it's just because I deserved it, I needed it and so I ran with it, literally, there was running today. 

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