Friday, January 17, 2014

Choosing a good day

I haven't had a good nights sleep, well since Nov 18, 2013.  And with this cough, it has been the worse yet.  However this morning I woke up before my alarm, ah I mean Liam, feeling rested, renewed, happy.  I still have the cough, all the bad things are still right there in the shadows, but I woke up filled with this light, happy, fuck anyone or anything who tries to get me or my family down feeling.

I don't think I fully understood the weight I was carrying, waiting for that appt yesterday, preparing for bad news.  That weight has been lifted and a crazy amount of fuel has been added to my fire.  I want to go overdose on green shake and go play outside with Liam! Today is a good day!

I have an anonymous good deed Matt and I are working on, two actually and they make my heart SING!! Just because we need help during this season of our life doesn't mean others don't as well. Each day I chose happiness and use anything else as fuel for my fire. For as much as my heart hurts and has hurt this week I have that much more fuel in the tank, and that's a lot!

I try not to be the sappy friend or the know it all because I have cancer friend but one thing I know to be true is this: Life is full of choices and seemingly random events that 'happen' to us.  We can't clearly see our path on most days and we can't begin to understand why things happen the way they do.  We CAN chose how we respond, how we react.  We chose our attitude. Those choices effect not only ourselves but everyone and everything around you. Chose to focus on the negative and chances are that is all you will feel and see.  Chose to focus on the positive, even on days when it seems almost impossible to find it and that is all you will feel and see.  We have this one life here on earth and it's purpose is bigger than any of us can imagne and what comes next...well I think it's a reflection of how we lived and loved here.

Each day, each moment we have a choice and if I can teach anyone anything my hope is that you learn to find and embrace the positive and fight like hell for what's important! Life is a lot better when lived that way. 

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